If you’ve wondered what a fentanyl testing and overdose treatment kit looks like, we live in a culture where you can find them in the park

April 22, 2024 by Joshua
in Addiction

Our culture increasingly isolates and addicts us: doof, binge-TV, social media, online gambling, and so on. We associate the most serious addiction with hard drugs, but they are just a prominent case of our culture overall. I’m not writing this post about people addicted to hard drugs. I’m writing it about modern culture.

I found this fentanyl testing and overdose treatment kit while picking up litter in Washington Square Park. If people are addicted to the stuff, I’d rather they have access to such treatment, but I’d rather they didn’t do it in public parks and far more I’d rather we didn’t create a culture that made addiction so prevalent. I consider each person responsible for their own actions, but isolation like we have contributes plenty, as do our coercive markets people like to claim are free markets, but they have major coercive components.

In other words, I’m calling for us to change our culture. My upcoming books talks more about it, especially the origins of our culture’s isolation and promoting addiction.

Here’s the core kit.

Here is the test strip and literature that came with it. After taking the pictures I’ll put it back in the park in case someone overdoses and it can help them.

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