066: Dorie Clark, part 2: “And that is how you make progress”
Dorie shares about the six-month habit she committed to—one of the longest of any guest.
Wait, can you just decide one day to start or stop a habit? Isn’t that impossible?
Listen to Dorie’s results. She’s a master of habits: how to create them, start them, and teach others to do so. She shares how she works.
With some guests you feel like they’re always conscious of the microphone. Not Dorie. Most of us are so genuine with friends and family. I think we all wish we could stay that way in public, without pretense or affectation.
We have a lot of mutual friends. Every one of them will tell you that she’s incredibly open, sharing about herself. She shares how she achieves this personal mastery, methodically and effectively.
This conversation is more about personal leadership, which environmental action needs, if you ask me. Few people who work on the environment show it.
We met at the café of her commitment so you’ll hear we’re on the street. I liked the informality.