093: Want to win elections? Clean your neighborhood. Be a steward.

October 8, 2018 by Joshua
in Podcast

How do we elect people, including a United States President, who act on and steward the environment?

I’m going to present a plan that I believe can win the next election that transcends the usual divisions that led to today’s political situation, political misery, feelings of futility, and filth that we live in in air, land, and water, as well as our bodies.

The links and images I referred to:

New York City’s 1895 trash and sewage transformation

New York City before and after a sanitation transformation

New York City before and after a sanitation transformation

New York City 1895: children play by a dead horse

New York City 1895: children play by a dead horse

Buzzfeed videos on getting fit

My electric bill

My electric usage

My electric usage

Martha Graham’s quote

Here is the quote:

The dancer is realistic. His craft teaches him to be. Either the foot is pointed or it is not. No amount of dreaming will point it for you. This requires discipline, not drill, not something imposed from without, but discipline imposed by you yourself upon yourself.

Your goal is freedom. But freedom may only be achieved through discipline. In the studio you learn to conform, to submit yourself to the demands of your craft, so that you may finally be free.

Over a year to fill one bag of garbage

Feeding 50 people with no packaging at under $3 per person

See the pictures of the event here. Note everyone enjoying themselves.

Read the transcript.

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