153: Sean O’Connor, part 1: From paper cups to evaluating life

March 12, 2019 by Joshua
in Podcast

Today’s guest, Sean, is a friend. We recorded this conversation before the podcast launched in November 2017. It took a while to get through the editing process, but I wanted to post it to document the evolution of the podcast and me.

For Sean, it shows him as a leader of leaders, since all the guests since followed him. In showing that I grew as an interviewer, finding a purpose, strategy, and voice, I hope it shows the accessibility for anyone to take an environmental leadership role.

This conversation helped the podcast’s strategy emerge. It’s largely based on learning that community influences behavior more than facts.

So I’m bringing world-renowned guests — people in everyone’s communities. If Oprah shares her environmental values, acts on them, and shares that the results bring her joy and liberation, I think many others will — not blindly following her as a celebrity but acting on their values as she acts on hers.

This conversation enabled what came next.

Read the transcript.

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