206: Jeremy Ryan Slate, part 1: Leadership: Doing What Others Don’t, But Want To

August 7, 2019 by Joshua
in Podcast

This episode is about doing what others don’t, but want to.

We recorded it nearly 2 years ago when I was still getting into my groove.  We start talking what sounds like about oranges but we’re talking about leadership — doing what others want to but don’t. It may sound weird at first, but turning one healthy food into two unhealthy foods looks pretty weird to me.

Everyone I know says “You shouldn’t care so much what other people think,” usually in a condescending voice, but they succumb to social pressure too to keep doing what everyone else does. Leaders find ways to do what they value.

Jeremy shares his journey of addressing what others think and learning to manage it. Look at the guests on his podcast as a measure of his leadership skills. We also laugh a bunch. It was a fun conversation. We talk about sales, athletics, podcasts, and more.

Acting on your environmental values feels weird at first, sometimes, but we have to change our behavior if we expect to avert the greatest disasters that could happen. If you value clean air, land, and water, you’ll have to lead others.

Jeremy put his money where his mouth was for the challenge.

For whatever reason, he had low awareness of environmental anything, so taking on a challenge, no matter the scale, seems like a big deal no matter the scale from others’ perspective. Lower cell phone usage doesn’t reduce power use that much but does something. Regarding this conversation, it puts him up for judgment. Since I know what happened in his challenge, I know that it led to more change and discovery than he expected.

Actually, I learned that while a cell phone may not use much power, using it causes a lot of power use on remote servers. The cell phone’s battery isn’t as important as their power demands on the internet’s infrastructure.

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