242: Florida Mayors Jerry Demings and Buddy Dyer, part 1: United States government officials acting

November 9, 2019 by Joshua
in Podcast

I talk a lot about the lack of leadership in the area of the environment. Many people talk about change but don’t lead it. Many others judge but don’t support, which leads people to hold back on trying.

Well, the mayors of Orlando and Orange County Florida went out of their way and found me. Most guests I seek out. Instead, they took it on themselves to put themselves out there, risking judgment on an issue they don’t have to.

Most don’t, I believe because it makes them feel exposed and vulnerable. But a top trait of effective leaders is that they like accountability.

You don’t have to make acting environmentally you main focus, but the start is to act, which they’ve done. From a leadership perspective for a public figure to step forward achieves more than whatever the outcome of his or her first step.

If what they do seems hard, Jerry and Buddy’s swimming upstream will make it easier so all who follow feel like they’re swimming downstream.

I intend to help them make personal action a trend among leaders, which will lead to group action.

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