350: Jonathan Herzog, part 1: A candidate acts with genuineness and authenticity

June 23, 2020 by Joshua
in Podcast

I haven’t taken political stance because I am working to removing wedge-ness from environmental policy. I’m working for people to see laws about how people affect others through the environment as we view traffic laws. We don’t see red lights as red tape or bureaucrats telling us what to do. They make our world safer even if they slow us down sometimes. One day we’ll see keeping mercury out of fish and other pollution similarly.

I met Jonathan in person practicing democracy—gathering signatures in my neighborhood. I learned of him after meeting Andrew Yang, whose candidacy I valued.

Last year I heard Andrew Yang speak and liked his message enough to read his book, The War on Normal People, and learn more about universal basic income. I listened to Andrew on several podcasts until I felt I understood what he was campaigning for and why. UBI, for example, has had centuries of support across the political spectrum. Who knew?

I talked to Yang’s campaign people about helping with their environmental platform. (I’ll talk to any politician about their environmental platform, since they could all use help). One of the outcomes was meeting Jonathan, gathering signatures a block from home. I like people acting in my world with passion, genuineness, and authenticity. Read Yang’s book to learn the platform and what’s driving it.

In a tradition of successful people, Jonathan had left Harvard before finishing to support Yang’s campaign, then to run himself in New York City’s 10th district, where I live. He cares. He also acts personally on the environment, as you’ll hear in this episode.

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