495: Alexis Stewart, part 1: Martha’s daughter’s passion for picking up litter
For my first time in years of picking up litter, I saw a woman picking some up methodically, like she does it regularly. I told her I did too and we had a great conversation. Someone who does something enough knows the ins and outs. We talk differently than people who don’t do it.
We had a wonderful conversation that day, shortly after parade-goers wrecked Washington Square Park. We lamented the state of human culture that we pollute so much. We also appreciated each other’s passion for picking up litter methodically, consistently, and finding reward in it.
She turned out to be Martha Stewart’s daughter, which seems like American royalty, but we just riffed on our common passion. Whether her humor, our common passion, or something else kept the conversation flowing, we talked for a while. We recorded this podcast conversation at her home a couple days later, my first in-person episode in over a year.
We discuss many facets of picking up litter how only seasoned practitioners can, knowing the details, with mutual appreciation.
I hope you hear our passions, joys, and connections over picking up litter.
How do you think Martha Stewart’s daughter would handle bottles of urine?
How would she involve the rest of the family?
Listen and find out.