506: I lost $10 million on September 11, 2001. Here is what I learned from those who sacrificed and served.
Sorry for the slow pace of this episode, but just before recording I looked at the firehouse across the street from my apartment, the small plaque naming the firemen who died trying to help others, and the flowers people put there for them, which led me to lose it as I started recording.
I’ve never considered the changes to my life meaningful in comparison, despite my losses being greater than anyone I know who didn’t die or was related to someone who died for the obvious reason that no material loss compares. Not even close.
But twenty years later, it occurs to me that not communicating about the loss and what I learned from it doesn’t help either, because when faced with a huge material loss—I lost about ten million dollars and the future I’d sacrificed other dreams for—we can choose to give up or we can choose to find our values and live by them, if not the fleeting material stuff.
In this episode I share what I live for, what in part I learned from the firefighters who served that day, the servicemembers who enlisted for years to come, as well as from others who lost. We can prevent far greater losses than September 11, than the Holocaust, than the Atlantic slave trade in conserving and protecting our environment.
I choose to devote my life to the greatest cause of our time, in helping the most number of people from the greatest amount of suffering of any time.
If you’d like to help, we who choose to serve, could use your help. But we don’t have to enter towering infernos. We eat vegetables instead of takeout, live closer to family instead of flying to and from them, have one child, and learn to lead others to enjoy the same. Contact me if you’d like to join.