557: Rollie Williams, part 1: Comedy and climate change

February 1, 2022 by Joshua
in Podcast

I hope you know Climate Town. Watch a bunch of episodes if you haven’t. This Sustainable Life listeners and hosts talk about the show. It’s funny and fun, yet intelligent and informative. On top of the content, I watch the backgrounds, which often take place where I live in lower Manhattan and where I went to school, at Columbia, where Rollie went to.

So I contacted him and his team. We spoke. Within minutes I could tell why Climate Town is so funny. He and his team are funny. Immediately, I could tell I could learn from them.

Here he is. We talk about his and his shows’ origins and goals. I always thought he was a scientist making humor. He’s a humorist taking on science, but not just a little. Enough to go to graduate school for it. That’s serious commitment to his craft. (I think he cares more about the environment than he says, but you can judge for yourself).

You’ll hear commonalities and differences between us. For example, how to influence others and especially population. I describe the Spodek Method with him. You’ll hear his commitment and some anticipation of conflict or synthesis in our next episode.

Plus, he’s funny throughout. This episode isn’t as funny and incisive as a typical Climate Town episode, but more of that than one of my normal episode, since Rollie brings it.

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