601: Bill Benenson, part 3: Hadza Versus American Culture and Little Kids with Sharp Knives

July 2, 2022 by Joshua
in Podcast

Since Bill visited the Hadza in modern-day Tanzania, and I’ve been learning about cultures that have lived for tens to hundreds of thousands of years, I asked him about how they lived. We talked about their religion, rituals, dancing, singing, fashion, textiles, and culture in general.

Neither of us studies people or cultures, so we’re just two people talking about our observations, but it’s pretty clear when little boys learn to use bows and arrows around when they learn walking and talking that there are cultural differences we can learn from. As for our culture, the summer after high school, a friend and I rode bikes and camped from Philadelphia to Maine and back, about 1,500 miles over a month. Everyone jokes at least, but many say seriously, that parents would be arrested for letting their kids do that trip today.

So we talk about how to raise kids and what we may be missing. Are young children taught today to handle sharp knives in the kitchen? Bill talked about a Hadza kid carrying around a machete.

In summary, we talk about cultural differences including independence, responsibility, and freedom for youth, which we lack and suppress.

American culture has a lot to learn.

We also talk about Bill’s commitment, helping nurse his plant back to life.

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