627: Nadeem Akhtar, part 1: A Long-Time Listener from Norway

September 13, 2022 by Joshua
in Podcast

Nadeem contacted me as a listener to suggest Abdal Hakim Murad as a guest, as I hadn’t hosted any Muslims on the podcast by then. I learned a lot and enjoyed meeting Abdal, plus Nadeem and I stayed in touch. When Janet Allaker‘s first episode with a listener went well, I invited Nadeem to be a guest. He loved the opportunity. I think we both enjoyed the conversation. If you’re a regular listener, you’ll get to hear another voice from your position.

You’ll get to hear another listener’s views on sustainability and this podcast. Nadeem cares enough to act, though not as much as me. He listens to This Sustainable to ground him and inspire more sustainability work. We talk about what motivates him, religion, family, Norway, and of course do the Spodek Method.

I think you’ll find some similarities and differences in his approach and stick with the podcast.

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