628: Jay Walker, part 2: Kayaking on the Hudson

September 16, 2022 by Joshua
in Podcast

I think Jay’s commitment may be the first where I participated and we had a blast!

You may remember he committed to kayaking on the Hudson. He invited me to join. As you can see from the picture, I did, and we kayaked together. We shared about the experience.

Note the change in our conversation and relationship from last conversation to this one. By last conversation we had spoken several times to set up the call, then you could hear our recorded conversation. Then hear how things changed just spending time in nature, in a way suggested by his values. That the Hudson by Manhattan isn’t wild like, say, the mouth of the Amazon doesn’t change that acting on our environmental values opens us up and connects us. Mainstream culture has isolated us so much and cut us off from nature, we don’t know what we’re missing.

We’re talking about applying this experience to the Queer Liberation March team to help make keeping the event clean fun and enjoyable, not an obligation but an opportunity. Stay tuned!

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