670: Jeffrey Shaw: Self-employment and Sustainability
Do you want a job working in sustainability? If you want to wait for a job in the field, you’re going to wait for a long time. Most businesses’ models depend on growth, extraction, and exploiting resources. Many of the biggest and most profitable are built on exploiting people too. I hope I didn’t surprise you with news you didn’t know.
Most places with positions like Chief Sustainability Officers or groups like Sustainability Committees are greenwashing at best, judging by how we’re extracting ever faster, nearly all ways places claim reductions are scams like carbon offsets or net zero claims that are the equivalent of creative accounting, and most targets are so far off as to be unaccountable.
Yet billions of people want leadership. They want to change. They want justified hope in a brighter future. Nothing says entrepreneurial opportunity like global unmet demand. To serve people wanting to live more sustainably looks like one of the greatest entrepreneurial opportunities ever. I’m working on meeting it and expect to break the market open. Maybe you’ll beat me to it. I hope you do.
Jeff’s latest book covers starting your project. Why would you do it? What will you expect? How does it feel?
We talk about the move to self-employment, what’s in his book, his personal history, and more. If you want to help humanity reach sustainability, nearly the only path to you impacting us in a big way it self-employment, what Jeff focuses on.