671: How Pulling Off a Challenging Day Off Grid Feels
Last night I had trouble falling asleep because before getting in bed, I noticed I had to record two podcast episodes first thing in the morning but I wanted to cook some stew, the forecast was for rain all day, and didn’t think my battery had enough charge to pull everything off. Plus I had lots of computer work to do, which would use more energy from the battery. I could always rely on my “cheat” to charge my computer and phone at NYU, but I prefer not to. I’m trying to avoid polluting. I also didn’t have enough time between calls and obligations to walk to NYU without possibly missing the beginnings of calls.
I found more and more ways to avoid needing battery energy. Toward the end of the day, I realized I not only would I achieve everything, I wouldn’t need to go to NYU and use any grid power.
I happened to have a call just when some sun shone before sunset; not enough to charge from but enough to make me feel great. I commandeered the beginning of the call to share how I felt, recorded it, edited his parts out, and here it is.