789: Solomon Schmidt: Author of Legal Gladiator, on Alan Dershowitz

November 14, 2024 by Joshua
in Podcast

As a podcast host, I get pitched a lot of authors, books, and more. Most aren’t relevant or are counterproductive to sustainability. I received an email promoting the author of Legal Gladiator, a biography of Alan Dershowitz. I knew the name from the news, but didn’t know more than the name, maybe a whiff of his being controversial.

I looked up the book and author and found both fascinating. I scheduled talking to Solomon unrecorded to meet him and see if the connection would fit. I like bringing leaders from any field to sustainability since the field nearly completely lacks it. Solomon and Alan both seem like leaders, so I invited him.

Quoting from the book’s page:

Praise for Solomon Schmidt:

“You are a very talented young man with a bright future ahead of you.”
—Pres. Donald Trump 

“An amazing young author.”
—Mike Tyson 

“[You have] quite a remarkable record. [I’m] really impressed.”
—Dr. Noam Chomsky 

“Solomon, thanks for all you do.”
—Gov. Mike Huckabee 

“Solomon…is perhaps the youngest child historian in America.”
—Steve Doocy

“Solomon’s doing the hard work and getting after it.
—Jocko Willink 

“[I have] admiration for all [Solomon is] doing to make this a better world—and a more educated world.”
—Dame Jane Goodall

“A reputable author.”
—Rep. Jamie Raskin

We talk mostly about Alan, though also about Solomon. We don’t talk much about sustainability, though the leadership shines. I am confident you’ll find this episode, Solomon, and Alan fascinating. I’d love your thoughts.

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