790: Talking to a guy injecting on the sidewalk

November 16, 2024 by Joshua
in Podcast

On a beautiful sunny Saturday, 9:50am, I was walking to Washington Square Park to charge my battery and talk at 10am to my friend Dan McPherson (he’s been on the podcast, where he shared about his heart attack at age 46 the week before we recorded). I saw the guy in the picture injecting. I asked if I could take his picture and a brief conversation ensued.

Instead of my planned conversation with Dan, we recorded my experience and thoughts about the conversation with the guy injecting on the sidewalk. I haven’t edited anything. I recorded with just my headphone microphone so sorry about the audio quality, but I think you’ll be able to understand us fine.

I also didn’t prepare. I’m not speaking from notes or even more than a few minutes to reflect. You’ll get to hear my thoughts raw.

As it happens, Dan is about a third of the way through my book, Sustainability Simplified. It came up in conversation, so you’ll get to hear the impressions of someone who has read it. Only at the very end of the call did I think to text Dan the pictures, so listen to the end to hear his thoughts on the book.

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