Introducing Miko Lau’s 26 Days to Greatness Challenge
As a longtime entrepreneur—having co-founded my first company in 1996—I like supporting new entrepreneurs. Few who contact me show genuineness and authenticity to match their aspirations. Occasionally one does.
Miko Lau contacted me a few months ago with a challenge she gave herself to assemble 25 experts to teach a cohort including herself the best they knew. She contacted me about teaching the leadership part. While my schedule didn’t work out, I will appear in the podcasts that follow the month of training she is making available.
If the invitation below looks appealing, click the links in it to register.
To clarify, I have no financial or other interest in the project, only that I believe that for readers of mine looking to join a group for personal development, that Miko will deliver a course worth taking. I think it will be fun too, from our conversations.
You’ll hear me as one of the bonus speakers after it officially ends.
The announcement
I am honored and excited to have been invited to be a featured speaker inside of the 26 Days to Greatness Challenge hosted by Miko Lau to support you on your journey to your greatness beginning on June 1st, 2020.
Imagine being personally mentored by 25 experts, heart-driven leaders, bestselling suthors, 7- figure entrepreneurs, international speakers, relationship experts, intuitive and spiritual coaches, thought teaders, etc., for 26 days.
You can be only one insight, one skill set, or one wisdom away from your next massive breakthrough.
I have a complimentary ticket for you to participate in this FREE challenge. Register using this link.
Miko’s 26 Days to Greatness Challenge provides a daily 30-45 minute workshop where you will learn and implement a total of 36 powerful strategies and tools designed specifically to help you tap into your greatness so you can step into action, become the leader you’re meant to be, and generate cash doing so.
The 26 Day Challenge will cover:
✅ Activating Your Greatness
✅ Being Your Intuitive Self
✅ Creating a Winning Culture
✅ Disrupting Imposter Syndrome
✅ Being in Energetic Alignment with Your Vision
✅ Using Feng-Shui to Aid You on Your Journey
✅ Identifying Your Genius Type
✅ Kickstarting Your Podcast
✅ Manifesting Your Vision
✅ Overcoming Adversity
✅ Living in the Now to Manifest Your Future
✅ Building a Personality Brand that Attracts Ideal Clients & Generates Sales
✅ Unleashing Your Inner Badass CEO
✅ Creating a Thriving, Intimate Relationship with Yourself
✅ Mastering the 4 Golden Rules of Communication
✅ Developing a Wealth Mindset
✅ Stepping Into Your Illuminary Zone
✅ Recognizing the Impact of Toxic Relationships
✅ Balancing the Divine Feminine Energy & Divine Masculine Energy
✅ Having Both a Thriving Business & a Thriving Relationship
✅ Leaning into Fears
✅ Living in Alignment to Our Core Values
✅ Using LinkedIn Ad Strategy to Generate Clients
✅ Rising into the Sacred
✅ and so much more!
This challenge is highly interactive and results-driven with step-by-step gameplans provided to you inside of each daily workshop. You will get out what you put in.
P.S. There is a group of people out there waiting for you right now to step up as the leader you know you can be and to serve them. Do this for those who you are here to serve with your unique gifts. Join here.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees