See Joshua Spodek on understanding North Korea from a business strategy perspective at Columbia Business School
Columbia Global Initiative for Human Rights
Proudly Presents
North Korea: Demystifying the Business Strategy of the World’s
Most Misunderstood Country
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Lecture Description:
Kim Jong Il’s death this December has reignited popular intrigue about North Korea and justifiably so. Few understand this isolated and authoritarian country despite its paramount global importance. How can we understand this mysterious country, its leaders and its economy?
Professors Bruce Greenwald and Judd Kahn’s book, “Competition Demystified“, provides a framework for understanding the strategic situation in North Korea. Despite the sensationalism, mystery, and widespread confusion in the media and popular perception, North Korea is simple to understand at the strategic level. Its simplicity makes it an excellent case study in understanding business strategy.
Joshua Spodek has an MBA and Ph.D. in physics from Columbia University. He is an entrepreneur with several patents and start-ups businesses around the world. He is an executive and leadership coach with Columbia Business School’s Program on Social Intelligence and has led leadership seminars at the New York Academy of Sciences and the business schools of New York University and Columbia. He has also taught at Parsons/The New School and New York University.
One of 3,000 Americans to have visited North Korea since the hostilities ended, he wrote an ebook on the country from a business strategy perspective. He has been quoted and profiled in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, Fortune, CNN, and the major broadcast networks. Esquire Magazine named him “Best and Brightest” in its annual Genius issue.
Event Details:
Date: March 24th, 2012 – 11:40 am – 12:25 pm EST
Contact me for location. I’d love to see you there.
EDIT: See tomorrow’s post for a clarification of the talk in response to a student’s question. Also, note the title got shortened from the original: “North Korea: How Business Strategy Demystifies the World’s Most Misunderstood Country”
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