A Leadership Lesson From Nelson Mandela (Happy Birthday)
My Inc.com post yesterday, “A Leadership Lesson From Nelson Mandela (Happy Birthday)” began
A Leadership Lesson From Nelson Mandela (Happy Birthday)
Nelson Mandela, perhaps the greatest leader of our time, would have turned 98 last week. Here is an example of him leading his jailers on his way to becoming President.
Happy birthday Nelson Mandela, arguably the greatest leader of our time. He would have turned 98 last week.
He led as a human, through empathy, compassion, and understanding, not authority. In fact, his political opponents had far more authority, resources, weapons, money, and everything.
Yet he led them.
Don’t like your work? Mandela had to break stone for decades.
Think you have a bad boss? Mandela’s leaders put him in prison for life.
Yet he negotiated with two Presidents from prison… and got their jobs, becoming the father of a nation.
If you want to lead, influence, manage, sell, hustle, or anything of the sort, you need to know how to read and work with people’s emotions. Mandela was a master of emotions—his and others’.
Read the rest at A Leadership Lesson From Nelson Mandela (Happy Birthday).
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