I like luxury when someone gives it to me just for being myself

July 11, 2012 by Joshua
in Blog, Freedom

I mostly post pictures of cultural things like the Great Wall, Forbidden City, and millenia-old terracotta armies, but why not pictures of luxurious resorts I’ve indulged in? Maybe because the former are cultural and the resort in question — Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands — is commercial and makes its money from gambling?

Maybe, but swimming in an infinity pool above Singapore also recalls when I swam across the Hudson River. And with my posts on how spending less improves your life, maybe I should show I enjoy luxury too. Besides, since I used my social skills to get my friend and me invited to the roof (hence my swimming in boxer shorts — we didn’t plan on going and they were all I had), it cost us nothing.

Sorry the pictures are blurry and dark. We only had an old camera phone. Still, check out the view of the skyline below the pool!

Here are professional pictures of the resort.

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