My deep-sea sailing trip, part 3: the cliffs of Newport, Rhode Island

September 27, 2023 by Joshua
in Stories, Visualization

Following up my last two posts, on my recent sailing lesson, we ended up in Newport, Rhode Island. The others wanted to go to a boat show held there that week. Our skipper/teacher had hosted a booth there for years, though not this year.

I was open to going but didn’t want to do something big and commercial that much. One of the other crew members told me about Newport’s cliff walk. The city had an area where in the Gilded Age, rich people built mansions along a cliff. I’m not sure how many of the mansions are still homes, but the city built a walk along the cliffs between the mansions and the water.

The hurricane off the coast led to waves that brought surfers out. The walk is three-and-a-half miles of beautiful views. The hurricane was distant enough that we had blue skies and calm wind. With about a mile-and-a-half from the marina where we docked (we slept on the boat) to the start of the walk, round trip I walked about ten miles.

I loved it, all the more for it being an alternative to a sales event. Also for my fatigue at the end of the day. These pictures don’t do it justice, but they’re what I got. I prefer enjoying the moment to taking pictures, especially when everyone around is taking pictures too. Still, I think they suggest how beautiful the walk. If someone invited me to Newport, I’d accept just to do the walk again.

I ran into a guy who asked me to take his picture. He was Italian and had his shirt off. I took his picture, started walking away, and then thought to have him take my picture with my shirt off. So you get to see what happens when someone avoids doof.

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