Nurturing Millennial Leaders: the Influencive Interview
Influencive‘s Surya Prakash Singh posted an interview of me, “Nurturing Millennial Leaders,” of how to start leading, especially if your traditional education didn’t help.
The article begins
Nurturing Millennial Leaders
I get the chance to speak with author and leadership specialist Joshua Spodek.
According to a survey, each day approximately 10,000 baby boomers retire. By 2020, 48% of the workforce will be made of millennials. Because of this scenario, 84% of organizations are bound to feel the lack of leaders in the organization in the next 5 years.
How can we mold Millennials to embrace and develop leadership skills? Being a millennial entrepreneur myself, I always seek out coaches who help me develop my own leadership skills. Around 95% of Millennials feel either that they lack fully developed leadership skills or don’t feel that they’re prepared to lead at all.
I connected with Leadership expert and author of Leadership Step By Step Joshua Spodek to get some insights on Leadership. Here are some of the answers he gave me during our conversation:
Q:Â Any advice for someone who is going into a leadership position for the first time?
A:Â First, over and over again, I see the most successful leaders focus on the people they serve and their problems. People who want to just be leaders put the cart before the horse.
Read the rest at Nurturing Millennial Leaders.
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