Search Results for: farm

337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown

on May 9, 2020 in Podcast

I discuss the connection between perceiving lack of variety in food made from scratch and feeling miserable and bored under lockdown, despite having access to all the world’s art, music, literature, and culture ever recorded and more material abundance than kings only a few generations ago, despite our material abundance being only slightly less than a few months ago. Here are the notes I read from for this episode: Yesterday[…] Keep reading →

335: Rhonda Lamb, part 2: reversing food deserts

on May 6, 2020 in Podcast

The quote you just heard was Rhonda’s description how showing people how to cook the way I showed them could save time and money for people to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. After Rhonda and my first conversation, I recommend watching the video of my going to the Bronx for the group Rhonda assembled at a church for me to demonstrate cooking my famous no-packaging vegetable stew. This conversation came[…] Keep reading →

335: Rhonda Lamb, part 2: reversing food deserts

on May 6, 2020 in Podcast

The quote you just heard was Rhonda’s description how showing people how to cook the way I showed them could save time and money for people to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. After Rhonda and my first conversation, I recommend watching the video of my going to the Bronx for the group Rhonda assembled at a church for me to demonstrate cooking my famous no-packaging vegetable stew. This conversation came[…] Keep reading →

Rhonda Lamb

on April 18, 2020 in Podcast

Rhonda and I met at a potluck lunch last summer hosted by the farm I get most of my summer and fall vegetables from. I attended with my mom, she with her son. We all enjoyed meeting each other. I invited her and her son to sample my famous no-packaging vegetable stew, sharing with her how many people who try it tell me I don’t understand the plight of a[…] Keep reading →

The most valuable no-nonsense covid-19 information I’ve seen (from’s Dr. Michael Greger)

on April 16, 2020 in Nature

I posted a podcast episode on Dr. Michael Greger’s video on pandemics, episode 318: Why pandemics will keep increasing and how we can reverse the trend. He was also a guest on the podcast. Today he posted the most valuable, comprehensive information on covid-19 I’ve seen, all referring to original research from medical and science literature. I rarely post other people’s material, but I found it worth copying. I’m contacting[…] Keep reading →

326: Why Should I Care About Oskar Schindler?

on April 15, 2020 in Podcast

I used Oskar Schindler in my third TEDx talk along with a few others as examples of people who took risks to do what they considered right—and that I think nearly all of us do. People like Rosa Parks and those who operated the Underground Railroad before the Civil War. I’m going to share about Oskar Schindler in a bit so you learn more than the movie showed. The video[…] Keep reading →

326: Why Should I Care About Oskar Schindler?

on April 15, 2020 in Podcast

I used Oskar Schindler in my third TEDx talk along with a few others as examples of people who took risks to do what they considered right—and that I think nearly all of us do. People like Rosa Parks and those who operated the Underground Railroad before the Civil War. I’m going to share about Oskar Schindler in a bit so you learn more than the movie showed. The video[…] Keep reading →

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