Search Results for: population

America’s Greatest Strength

on May 1, 2019 in Freedom

Continuing yesterday’s post about Putin’s goals, I’ve thought about this country’s greatest weakness and strength. As much as I’d like to say our greatest strength is our people, I hold people around the world in every nation in high regard. Many of us came from other countries or our parents did. I think one of America’s greatest strengths is something we can’t take credit for, but we benefit from: our[…] Keep reading →

168: Sir Ken Robinson: Wisdom on the intersection of education, leadership, and the environment (transcript)

on April 15, 2019 in Podcast

As a professor of leadership, host of the Leadership and the Environment podcast and constant student of acting by my environmental values I live and work in the intersection of leadership, education and the environment. Ken Robinson does too but with one big difference he’s been here for decades longer actively practicing in each. This episode approaches each of education, leadership and environment from several perspectives. I can’t say anything[…] Keep reading →

165: Colonel Mark Read, part 1: Environmental Engineering at West Point (transcript)

on April 10, 2019 in Podcast

Colonel Mark Read heads West Point’s Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering. I met him through another guest on the show Colonel Everett Spain so I recommend listening to that episode as well. Two myths about the military have unraveled in me as a result of seeing West Point from the inside and talking to these generals and colonels and heads of departments. One is that the military practices command[…] Keep reading →

165: Colonel Mark Read, part 1: Environmental Engineering at West Point

on April 10, 2019 in Podcast

I met Colonel Read through Colonel Everett Spain, who has also been a guest of the podcast. Two myths about the military have unraveled in me as a result of seeing West Point from the inside and talking to 4-star Generals and department heads. One is that the military practices command-and-control and that someone of any rank can just order people to do things and get compliance. On the contrary,[…] Keep reading →

165: Colonel Mark Read, part 1: Environmental Engineering at West Point

on April 10, 2019 in Podcast

I met Colonel Read through Colonel Everett Spain, who has also been a guest of the podcast. Two myths about the military have unraveled in me as a result of seeing West Point from the inside and talking to 4-star Generals and department heads. One is that the military practices command-and-control and that someone of any rank can just order people to do things and get compliance. On the contrary,[…] Keep reading →

The Ethicist: I Detest the N.R.A. What Should I Do With My Gun?

on March 31, 2019 in Ethicist

My series answering the New York Times’ Ethicist column with an active, leadership approach instead of an analytical, philosophical perspective continues with “The Ethicist: I Detest the N.R.A. What Should I Do With My Gun?”. As a gun owner who abhors the ‘‘slippery slope’’ philosophy of the N.R.A., every new mass shooting sickens me. I would like to sell one of my three weapons and give the proceeds to March[…] Keep reading →

161: Katie Pettibone, part 1: Americas Cups, 81-foot waves, and protecting the oceans (transcript)

on March 28, 2019 in Podcast

Katie continues the line of world class sailing champions I’ve had the honor of interviewing for this podcast who’ve translated their athletic success to leadership in their sport, business and beyond. What’s success in Katie’s case? How about competing in three America’s Cups including being the youngest member of the first ever all female boat, two around the world races as well as the famed Sydney Hobart and Worrell 1000[…] Keep reading →

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