Search Results for: limits to growth

303: The environmental results I predict versus what I work for

on March 10, 2020 in Podcast

People ask, “Josh, do you really think you can make a difference?” or comment that what I or anyone does won’t matter. In the first part of this episode I describe how I think our environmental future will unfold—the outcome I consider most likely. It’s not pretty. I foresee a lot of gloom and doom about nature, but however much problems in nature, I think human reactions will be more[…] Keep reading →

294: Population: How Much Is Too Much?

on February 24, 2020 in Podcast

What is Earth’s carrying capacity? Why is it important? Many ask how we will feed 10 billion people. Mathematician way of asking is if we can feed so many and if so how. Maybe we can’t. First, don’t want to know. While it depends on many assumptions that aren’t hard or measurable numbers, like standard of living, distribution of resources, and technology, we can say it’s maximum misery per person.[…] Keep reading →

294: Population: How Much Is Too Much?

on February 24, 2020 in Podcast

My notes I read from for this podcast: What is Earth’s carrying capacity? Why is it important? Many ask how we will feed 10 billion people. Mathematician way of asking is if we can feed so many and if so how. Maybe we can’t. First, don’t want to know. While it depends on many assumptions that aren’t hard or measurable numbers, like standard of living, distribution of resources, and technology,[…] Keep reading →

293: Alan Weisman: My Greatest Source of Environmental Hope

on February 20, 2020 in Podcast

Alan Weisman’s book Countdown changed my strategy to the environment. It ranks among the top most influential works I’ve read, watched, or come across, up there with Limits to Growth. Why? Because when you look at environmental issues enough, and it shouldn’t take too long these days, population always rises to the top as one of the top issues. Many people today hear about projections that the population will level[…] Keep reading →

293: Alan Weisman: My Greatest Source of Environmental Hope

on February 20, 2020 in Podcast

Alan Weisman’s book Countdown changed my strategy to the environment. It ranks among the top most influential works I’ve read, watched, or come across, up there with Limits to Growth. Why? Because when you look at environmental issues enough, and it shouldn’t take too long these days, population always rises to the top as one of the top issues. Many people today hear about projections that the population will level[…] Keep reading →

203: Hunter Lovins, part 1: A Finer Future

on August 1, 2019 in Podcast

A friend introduced me to Hunter and I met her in person a day she was teaching in Bard’s MBA program. We start with Limits to Growth, the 30-year update (the book, a synopsis), preparing to talk about her new book, A Finer Future, which follows its tradition. I felt the root of our conversation was responsibility. We know what to do. We don’t need more technology. We lack political[…] Keep reading →

203: Hunter Lovins, part 1: A Finer Future

on August 1, 2019 in Podcast

A friend introduced me to Hunter and I met her in person a day she was teaching in Bard’s MBA program. We start with Limits to Growth, the 30-year update (the book, a synopsis), preparing to talk about her new book, A Finer Future, which follows its tradition. I felt the root of our conversation was responsibility. We know what to do. We don’t need more technology. We lack political[…] Keep reading →

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