Search Results for: limits to growth

469: Podcast episode: The Science Book of the Decade: Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet

on June 3, 2021 in Podcast

I didn’t think of how small my building’s elevators were when I bought a sofa after moving into my current apartment. It didn’t fit. The deliverymen tried to bring it up the stairs too. They made the first landing, but couldn’t make the turn to go up the next flight. They had to take it back. I ended up paying a $300 restocking fee plus big tips for the deliverymen’s[…] Keep reading →

469: The Science Book of the Decade: Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet, by Tom Murphy

on June 2, 2021 in Podcast

I didn’t think of how small my building’s elevators were when I bought a sofa after moving into my current apartment. It didn’t fit. The deliverymen tried to bring it up the stairs too. They made the first landing, but couldn’t make the turn to go up the next flight. They had to take it back. I ended up paying a $300 restocking fee plus big tips for the deliverymen’s[…] Keep reading →

The Science Book of the Decade: Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet, by Tom Murphy

on May 30, 2021 in Art, Education, Nature, Nonjudgment

I didn’t think of how small my building’s elevators were when I bought a sofa after moving into my current apartment. It didn’t fit. The deliverymen tried to bring it up the stairs too. They made the first landing, but couldn’t make the turn to go up the next flight. They had to take it back. I ended up paying a $300 restocking fee plus big tips for the deliverymen’s[…] Keep reading →

Clear talk on the environment from a man at the forefront for fifty years

on December 20, 2020 in Education, Nature

I watched two presentations by Dennis Meadows, one of the authors of Limits to Growth, a book I consider fundamental to understanding how humans interact with finite resources. Until I read it, I harbored hopeful but erroneous misconceptions of how technology might save us. I apply leadership to the environment instead of technology because I understand technology, science, and how they work, not because I don’t. Few people read the[…] Keep reading →

This Sustainable Life Workshop

on October 18, 2020 in

GOAL Inspire visitors to act in the direction of living more sustainable at home and in their community–and enjoy the process–by providing stories, role models, images, beliefs, and community-making stewardship normal and attractive, not a burden or chore. AVATAR Decision-makers at private and organizations primarily in America and Secondary the rest of the world. WHY LIVE MORE SUSTAINABLY? Humans use more resources than the Earth can sustain, which will lead[…] Keep reading →

My thoughts on Planet of the Humans, which I recommend

on April 27, 2020 in Nature, Podcast

I just finished watching Planet of the Humans, a documentary on people working on the environment, as well as many people claiming to, who aren’t, though many mean well. As you might expect, many people have told me about it. It was uncomfortable but I’m glad I watched it. It’s free on YouTube. Here it is to save you a click: My thoughts My mom asked me what I thought[…] Keep reading →

303: The environmental results I predict versus what I work for

on March 10, 2020 in Podcast

People ask, “Josh, do you really think you can make a difference?” or comment that what I or anyone does won’t matter. In the first part of this episode I describe how I think our environmental future will unfold—the outcome I consider most likely. It’s not pretty. I foresee a lot of gloom and doom about nature, but however much problems in nature, I think human reactions will be more[…] Keep reading →

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