Rain and clouds as far as the forecast goes. More challenges to solve.
I made it through January and February with 23 out of 25 days of rain, snow, and no clear skies. The days were shorter but I had roof access, so at least I could charge when there wasn’t much sun. Without roof access, bring the panels and battery to the park takes more work and time.
The challenges of sustainability are less technology, market incentives, and legislation and more how to handle the boots-on-the-ground nuts-and-bolts challenges of handling the Department of Buildings, coop boards, and personal challenges of day-to-day hurdles. My goal isn’t for people to live like this, with portable panels and struggles, but someone has to actually make it work. People can live with set-ups that cost under a thousand dollars, but not until people see the market for it. Someone has to show it can work.
All the finger-pointing, blame, and excuses in the world won’t achieve what actually disconnecting from the grid for two years will. As Teddy Roosevelt said: “Do what you can with what you’ve got where you are.” If what you can do is make excuses, go for it. In the meantime, I’m solving problems so I can lead people.
This week that means handling limited power.
Here’s another forecast:
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