Read a provocative profile of me by Nancy Colasurdo
Award-winning journalist Nancy Colasurdo, who writes the Unfettered: The Power of Pure Expression blog, interviewed me for a profile of me and another executive leadership coach, Daniela Bryan.
The piece is What Happened When I Talked Sustainability with Two Coaches (the same piece on Medium).
You’ll find it provocative for the comparisons I make between pollution and historical atrocities others consider incomparable, but are smaller already, with the death and suffering from pollution increasing and accelerating.

It begins:
Josh Spodek has unplugged his refrigerator because he doesn’t need it anymore. I’m going to start there.
It’s where his journey in being more environmentally conscious led him and frankly that bit of information has the power to scare me right off the whole effort.
You know what else puts the fear of God in me? Talking to an astrophysicist about sustainability.
Click to the article to read more.
Here is the beginning of Nancy’s bio:
I am a journalist, blogger, author, life coach, and facilitator of creativity workshops. Over a 30-year career, I have worked in three forms of media – print, web, and television. My features, profiles, and columns have appeared on,,,, and as well as in Ladies Home Journal and Parents magazines. I have also written branded content for Mutual of Omaha’s Aha Moments and Airstream’s Live Riveted campaigns, both uplifting avenues to connect with potential customers.
After spending a decade chronicling the professional and spiritual journey that changed my life, I published a memoir called Alive in the Sunshine in 2016. I am also the creator of the blog,, where I craft columns about culture, travel and current events; this venture was born from a desire to throw off the filters and tap into the power of pure expression like never before. was a finalist in the 2017 National Society of Newspaper Columnists contest. Those columns can also be found on
In 2019 I was selected to be part of a cohort of 50 Women Who Can Change the World of Journalism program through Take the Lead, a non-profit organization whose mission is to “prepare, develop, inspire, and propel women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025.”
I spent five years writing a twice-weekly column called Game Plan for, where I had the pleasure of combining my writer and coach voices while also having the opportunity to delve into what entrepreneurs and creatives (i.e., Stacy London, Julia Cameron, Barbara Ehrenreich) have to teach us via their own lives. I then spent two years writing a weekly blog post for A Day Well Lived, a vibrant project with over 280,000 Facebook followers.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees