Reminiscing on college sports on the occasion of a reunion

April 20, 2024 by Joshua
in Fitness

I attended a reunion of my college ultimate Frisbee team today. Mostly current players attended, as in class of 2026 and 2027. I was class of 1993, over three decades earlier. It’s weird for something once one of the most important parts of my life for nearly twenty years to have ended over twenty years ago (I played after college, into my thirties).

I noticed one of the recent jerseys had the name of a web site on it for some reason. It led me to say something illustrating how long has passed since I started playing in college in 1988. I said to someone, “It’s been so long since I started, between then and now, the internet happened.

I recently posted about my art days, which readers commented on. I still think of myself as an ultimate Frisbee player, or at least the sport remains a big part of my life even if I’m not actively playing. I suppose most people don’t see that aspect of me.

I’ve written about the combination of fun, competition, and desire to reach our potential that I’ve never found as perfectly mixed since. Regular readers know I do calisthenics twice daily as well as my six-day exercise cycle. I think of that team from 1988-89 when I do them, not every time, but often, especially when I’m tired and otherwise would feel like giving up or giving in to complacency. I learned from them that at times like that, digging deep on what I value is more than worth it. I can’t overstate the value of that lesson in my life.

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