The Sasha Laghonh interview: “Meet Joshua Spodek: Author, Academic & Entrepreneur”
Today Sasha Laghonh of Sasha Talks and her podcast Moving Mountains posted her interview of me.
I like when an interviewer researches my background. Sasha did. She asked meaningful questions, motivating me to think and share about choices I’ve made and things I’ve written that weren’t obvious but were meaningful.
Plus she asked about love, money, and power, and who doesn’t like those topics?
Here’s the interview:
From Sasha’s about page:
Sasha Laghonh brings over fifteen years of experience to the commercial and spiritual realm by working with private and commercial clients hosting diverse backgrounds and life endeavors. As a seasoned MBA professional she also specializes in Organizational & Human Behavior which grants her a broad base from which to approach many topics. These tools drive her corporate career by executing diverse business strategies in complex and evolving environments.  As a Life Strategies & Business Coach she works with clients ready to transform their lives by offering customized sessions relevant to their needs.
​To complement her career, she is an innate spiritualist hosting abilities that allow her to deliver intuitive insights derived from questions possessing various degrees of complexity. By applying these insights as a self development tool, one can empower themselves by making better decisions with clarity and confidence. Recognized as one of the best readers in 2012, Sasha continues to share her craft with global clients through private sessions, professional groups and global media including print.
All are welcome to tune into her shows “Sasha Talks Spirituality” (c. 2012), “Awaken with Sasha” (c. 2013-2014), “Sasha Talks” (c. 2012-present) on BBS and “Moving Mountains with Sasha (c. 2016).  Sasha’s work is presented through various media appearances and private speaking engagements.  As a frequent guest on FM/AM radio and online media she is able to educate audiences on lifestyle choices and spirituality. For pleasure Sasha enjoys traveling, teaching and raising awareness of various humanitarian efforts. Bring an open mind and heart to experience the difference. ​
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