See me on on the election
Following up my conversation last week See me on a MAGAMedia panel with five Trump supporters, here is another conversation I had with my friend Rob (@robjh1), one-on-one. We covered a few topics, then mostly settled in on the election—was it a fraud or not? What evidence is there? What do people who feel one way feel about those they disagree with?
I can’t figure out how to embed the video, but click here or the image. We talked about different views of the election. As before, my goal is not to persuade or debate but to understand, partly to challenge.
I’d love your thoughts on what each of us said. It’s not what I find in the mainstream media, but millions of my neighbors and countrymen feel this way. Frankly, I don’t know where else dialog like this is happening. Most people disagree with me or with Rob.
How much do you speak to those you disagree with? Is there value in the conversation? Is it better not to talk or to talk? Should I do more conversations like this or fewer? Should I handle myself differently?
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