Signs of Overpopulation

June 20, 2021 by Joshua
in Nature

Normally I post original writing and avoid sharing facts and figures, since I find they don’t motivate, but I found a few charts relevant to population. Now I can’t remember where I got them from—I think the Population Media Center (PMC), where podcast guest and role model Bill Ryerson works.

I presume most people know numbers like the ones below, or if they don’t, they know enough to act, but maybe you don’t, and maybe their clarity will be the last bit you needed to act. To me, the evidence is overwhelming and more than enough to make the priority for everyone to commit to things like never accepting a plastic bag again, nor paper, nor bottled water, Gatorade, soda, or nearly anything. You wouldn’t die not flying either.

More important than any individual action is to learn to lead others, to multiply your effect. If you want to do more and don’t know what, contact me. Or learn the Spodek Method I do with my podcast guests. You can hear me teach it to guest Jonathan Hardesty in his third episode.

More Effective Than Numbers

More effective than numbers and speaking of PMC I recommend reviewing their picture book Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot (OVER). It’s free online.

Its images are beautiful, by artistic measures like composition, color, and form. And unforgettable in what they reveal about our world.

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