A student review: “I love this course… It is the wave of the future”
As part of teaching my leadership course at NYU, I give out a mid-semester evaluation. One student gave me permission to quote her evaluation. Here it is, unedited, besides my making the name of the course a link and making some text bold:
What I like about the course, Leadership Step by Step, is my understanding of the decisions I make and why I think the way I do. From emotions to feelings to acting on a belief. Through work, friends and family my direct interactions with people have been enriched. I adjusted my speech and I chose to use different words. I am learning that communication is an effective tool and can be productive when used correctly. Why I choose certain paths and how I act on them is an integral part of this course. Words that I take for granted in day to day conversation are changed and the outcomes were remarkable. I love this course, b/c it is an ongoing process. I use new and different thought methods. Wherever I am and whatever I am doing, I try to be conscious of what I say to others. Thinking differently is my own choosing. This is an empowering process for I feel the brain is strong and can be underestimated on the surface. I feel in control and confident that I can manage difficult situations with ease.
Professor Spodek offers constant feedback and teaches in a professional and skilled manner. Since I have begun this course I have applied the lessons I have learned to my daily interactions and I am benefiting everyday. It is the wave of the future, that I am thrilled to be a part of at this time. Enjoy meeting my other classmates for we are all so different. From the beginning, sitting in a circle was inviting. Professor Spodek challenges all of us by how we volunteer our own experiences. His online class lessons are helpful and I read them after our class to reinforce what I learned in class. Attending class is the best part of the course.
Prof. Spodek has a unique vision of teaching. He brings clarity to complex issues. Our class is brought together as a community and he is always available via email. He taught me something about myself that I always knew since I was a child, but when I asked him he knew clearly what to say and it was a valuable lesson. I am grateful to be taking this class with Professor Josh Spodek.
The three hours moves very quickly b/c Professor Spodek is interesting and a fine speaker. Can you offer this class twice a week or every other week a second class is given would make this class better?
I highly recommend this course to adults from ages 18-80. Never too young to change your style of engagement with personal gain as your result.
Josh here again… If you’re interested in the course, here is where to register for it.
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