Solo gallery show first images and video

on June 19, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Here are a couple videos of my solo gallery show “Motion in Stillness” at the Crossing Art gallery in Queens. Yesterday was the opening. These videos are from before the opening. Better quality video will go up soon. Some people at the opening had some serious cameras. From before the press preview, here is a quick tour of the show. As always with my medium, only seeing it in person[…] Keep reading →

Finishing touches

on June 18, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. — Antoine de Saint-Exupery I’ve been working day and night on the finishing touches for the show, mainly simplifying things, inspired by the space and the quality of the work by Jennifer, Sunny, and Kyung Yung (sp?), who work at Crossing Art. You’d think the sad irony would be that[…] Keep reading →

Early reviews of the show from a four year old

on June 17, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Anyone knows making it big in the art world means challenging people’s views of art and making complicated, ponderous pieces. It can’t be accessible to children. I guess I can’t to anything right. I explore and draw out wonder, curiosity, amazement, and fascination — the emotions of scientists. And children. My four-year-old niece came to the gallery today to see the installation in progress. She came with my sister (her[…] Keep reading →

Announcement on the show

on June 14, 2011 in Art

I worked about twenty hours today preparing for the opening, so only a brief post today. The Q-note, a page about cultural life in Queens, interviewed me and mentioned me and the upcoming show in their blog. At the end of the 7 train, in Flushing, Crossing Art will put the spotlight on Joshua Spodek’s ( striking linear zoetropes in the astrophysicist-entrepreneur-artist’s solo show, Joshua Spodek: Motion in Stillness (Saturday,[…] Keep reading →

Your new plans for Saturday

on June 13, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Cancel your plans for Saturday afternoon, June 18, 3-6pm, this is better — my first solo show in years, at the beautiful Crossing Art Gallery: Joshua Spodek: Motion in Stillness If you haven’t seen my work, now is your chance to see some mind-blowing and amazing art. Like no other medium, there is no substitute for the wonder of seeing it in person. (EDIT: more posts on the show: images[…] Keep reading →

Linear zoetropes in Amsterdam

on June 11, 2011 in Art, Creativity

By chance I found a video of a display made by a Dutch art student last summer who contacted me to help make a lenticular linear zoetrope. Her name is Kyra Martens and she was incredibly resourceful and a terrific problem solver in creating the piece. She was able to bring together the Amsterdam Zoo (for whom she made the display), the Dutch equivalent of Macy’s (in whose window she[…] Keep reading →

My next solo gallery show at Crossing Art Gallery

on June 7, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Ladies and gentlemen, my first solo gallery show in over five years will have its opening event Saturday, June 18. You’re invited! I will be showing new works I’ve been working on and have been excited to show. Publicly showing your work is what an artist lives for. That said, until people see the new stuff, you never know how it will go over, so there’s the usual anxiety and[…] Keep reading →

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