Union Square in Motion: opening event pictures

October 4, 2011 by Joshua
in Art, Creativity, Education

Pictures from the September 26, 2011 opening of Union Square in Motion, presented by MTA Arts for Transit, Parsons the New School for Design, and us, the producers and artists.

Union Square in Motion

The press arrived

Union Square in Motion Opening

Photographers took pictures

Union Square in Motion Opening

The rush hour crowd dwindled in time for the opening

Union Square in Motion Opening

Passers-by stopped and looked, intrigued

Union Square in Motion Opening

Viewers peered. More press interviewing.

Union Square in Motion Opening

More people starting to look

Union Square in Motion Opening

More interview

Union Square in Motion Opening

Long interview, and this reporter, from WNYC, wrote a well-researched story

Union Square in Motion Opening

Crowd forming

Union Square in Motion Opening

Mingling among artists, producers, students, alumni, art lovers and New Yorkers

Union Square in Motion Opening

Mingling among artists, producers, students, alumni, art lovers and New Yorkers

Union Square in Motion Opening

Art builds community

Union Square in Motion Opening

Art builds community

Union Square in Motion Opening

Art builds community

Union Square in Motion Opening

Everybody watches as the images cycle through

Union Square in Motion

The media, on the scene

Union Square in Motion

More media

Union Square in Motion Opening

Media, interviewing Josefina, one of the artists

Union Square in Motion Opening

Media darling, Josefina

Union Square in Motion

Four of the artists: Jaqi, Hilal, Umut, and Jeanne. Josefina was probably being interviewed by NY1 and Rose was on her way.

My friend with the camera left when the crowd was still building and before the reception at Parsons. I’ll try to find more pictures of the festivities.

EDIT: found a couple pictures of the signs posted at Parsons where they hosted the reception, but not during the reception.

Parsons announcement at Parsons of Union Square in Motion

On 13th Street just east of 5th Avenue

Parsons announcement at Parsons of Union Square in Motion

This location was a few windows down from where the class put up the lenticular linear zoetropes during the spring semester, as seen in these posts — Parsons student linear zoetrope videos, New images and videos of the Parsons Displays, and Update #1 on the Union Square display.


Parsons announcement at Parsons of Union Square in Motion

More announcements in another window

Parsons announcement at Parsons of Union Square in Motion

Parsons was mixed about support over the summer, probably because the project was so unusual and bold, but in the end they came through.

In the meantime, click here for all my posts on Union Square in Motion.

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