Update #2 on the Parsons Union Square display
Here is an update to the Parsons Union Square kickstarter project.
Update #2: Video of the Fifth Avenue display
Here is a video (just from my camera phone, sorry not great quality) of one of the displays in Parsons’ window facing Fifth Avenue and 13th Street. As mentioned in the last update, this display is a big, genuine art piece, although still in preparation for the Union Square piece, which will be bigger and digital. Still, this one is pretty cool.
The animation is a whimsical one of one of the students in the course, although everyone contributed to designing, building, and installing the display, as well as creating the animation in it.
Many people walking by stop and look at it. Please check it out if you’re near Manhattan. If you do, it’s fun to stop random people walking by and ask them what they think of it. Or just watching them ooh and aah.
Also, the students will be changing the images in these displays over this weekend, so you’ll get to see new images next week.
[videofile height=”500″]https://joshuaspodek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/richert_5th_and_13th.avi[/videofile]
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