Why to act sustainably first, then read to learn more

August 27, 2024 by Joshua
in Education

I’ve written before that to fix our environmental problems we have to change culture.

Say you wanted to learn a culture to where you were fluent in its language and culture. Which would work better?

Say you wanted to learn Nigerian language and culture

Read books by people who haven’t lived in the culture or spoken that language, with the intent that only after you learned them fluently you would move to Nigeria …


Go to Nigeria and learn there?

I took years of French lessons in school and learned more in the first two weeks there than in five or six years of classes here.

Likewise, I learned a lot of science relevant to sustainability, but learned more in avoiding packaged food, avoiding flying, and unplugging my apartment than in all I learned in school or read in the media.

Start living more sustainably, then learn the details.

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