Write a book! Feel your own book in your hands.
I can’t tell you how good it feels to have your own book in your hands. I’ve been meaning to write that for a while — since I got my first printed book from Book Patch. A short book costs less than ten dollars to print. From then on you’ll always have a book you wrote. You can hold it, thumb the pages, show it to friends, get more copies to give away, and so on. If you’re like me you’ll keep improving it, talking to editors and designers to help.
I’m sure parents will tell me since I haven’t held a child of my own I’ve probably felt a small fraction of what they did. That doesn’t detract from how good having your own book in your hands feels. And a book can take less than a week to arrive.
What can you write about? What’s holding you back? You can even make a picture book.
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees