106: Exploding the Myth that Technology Will Save Us

December 17, 2018 by Joshua
in Podcast

Many people believe that technology will save many of our environmental problems. I’ve written and spoken on how making a polluting system more efficient will lead to it polluting more efficiently.

My recent cross-country trip by Amtrak, which prompted me to wonder what it would take to transform Amtrak into a first-world train system, illustrated the challenges of systemic change and how pushing on one lever won’t do it.

Do you think just putting faster trains on Amtrak’s tracks would create a system with trains running at first-world speeds, which are double Amtrak’s current maximum speeds? Not a chance.

This episode considers what goes into systemic change.

I close with a reminder that despite its difficulties, the first steps are obvious: you and me, here and now, changing our beliefs and behaviors, which will improve our lives. All my changes to live by my environmental values improved my life.

I’m talking about creating joy, meaning, value, purpose, passion, closer relationships, more delicious food, saving money, and more.

Read the transcript.

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