We Can’t Change the Past But We Can Choose Our Values

May 1, 2021 by Joshua
in Leadership

I uttered these words in regular conversation with a friend about living in a polluted world. I didn’t ask to be born into so polluted a world, nor a culture so ignorant about what’s happening and what they can do about it. I’d rather people took more responsibility and acted in stewardship more.

But the world is polluted and nearly everyone is polluting it more. Most of my life, I didn’t know or care much about my effect on others through how much I polluted the world.

Do I give up? Do I accept the direction we’re going?

No, We Can’t Change the Past But We Can Choose Our Values. I’ve changed my values, or rather resurfaced the values I’ve always had but allowed comfort, convenience, and other values to override deep ones. I can do my best to help things work out.

We Can’t Change the Past But We Can Choose Our Values.

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