Advanced discoveries in sustainability
I recently hit on the following observations. I shared them with a few people with experience in the overlap of experience in leading, science, and living more sustainably.

They understood the concepts after some explanation, but suggested they wouldn’t be accessible to many people outside that zone. I’m not sure how many people they’ll make sense to, but I consider them big discoveries. Some day I’ll write essays on each.
I hope they make sense and explain why our culture is having the effect on the world and our qualities of life that it is. I mean, I think these points explain a lot.
Efficiency displaces Love
Growth displaces Nature
Pollution displaces Life
Depletion displaces Hope
Money displaces Trust
Finance displaces Community
Competing displaces Nurturing
Promotion/Advertising displaces Vulnerability
Addiction displaces Honor/Dignity
Speed displaces Connection/Serenity
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