Another successful testimonial

November 21, 2014 by Joshua
in Education, Exercises

Another attendee from a recent seminar wrote about her experience. I hope it helps people get a feeling for what the seminars offer and how quickly you can use the material and get its benefits.

I have also been practicing what we learned from Josh’s workshop and I have to say I am already seeing a difference in my relationships at work. I was having a very difficult time expressing myself to my boss and the exercises have helped me understand her position and be more empathetic and in tune with what she is up against. The exercises have also been useful for me at networking events! I ended up meeting a really great contact just last week after chatting about his passion for Gaudi.

I really believe that everything happens for a reason and soon after we met I was approached by a travel startup in Barcelona to be the global communications lead! It is a huge job and while I am terrified I feel that it is the right opportunity for me at this stage in my career and I am going to take the risk! I would love to keep in touch with all of you, and maybe even meet again to talk about what we’ve learned from the leadership course.

— Natalie B.

My next seminar is coming up December 6. Mark your calendar. I’ll post more about it tomorrow.

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