
July 21, 2013 by Joshua
in Blog

Besides being the forty-fourth anniversary of someone stepping on the Moon, yesterday was the forty-second anniversary of me being born. Future historians will decide which was the more important event, but it went great.

I write here about beliefs and practices people can use to improve things, but I like sometimes to share the great things they create, even if just as simple as appreciating a rainbow more than you otherwise would (though that’s a part of appreciating things more through awareness, which improves your life at no cost or time).

I remember joy of getting hundreds of birthday messages on Facebook, but nothing compares with a party full of new friends and old, good food, good drinks, good music, and nobody in a hurry like I had yesterday evening. You can only be happy in situations like that. It reminds you that life is good.

Coincidentally, yesterday evening also had another rainbow.

(By the way, I had a joint party with a friend’s housewarming since she just moved into her new home. She limited the number of people I could invite, so if you’re a friend and I couldn’t invite you, that’s why.)

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