Category Archives: Creativity

Union Square in Motion: opening event pictures

on October 4, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Pictures from the September 26, 2011 opening of Union Square in Motion, presented by MTA Arts for Transit, Parsons the New School for Design, and us, the producers and artists. My friend with the camera left when the crowd was still building and before the reception at Parsons. I’ll try to find more pictures of the festivities. EDIT: found a couple pictures of the signs posted at Parsons where they[…] Keep reading →

Fantastic behind-the-scenes making-of video of Union Square in Motion

on September 28, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Umut Ozover assembled video and images of the installation process to make a fantastic making-of video. Watch it to see how we installed the display.

Press and reviews of Union Square in Motion

on September 27, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Monday’s opening saw some press for Union Square in Motion. Here are some links, starting with those who visited the installation or contacted us directly NY1 did a two-minute story on it, “New Artwork Best Seen In Transit Through Union Square Station“ Arts for Transit’s Director, Sandra Bloodworth, mentioned Union Square in Motion in an in-depth interview in Urban Omnibus, “Arts for Transit: A Conversation with Sandra Bloodworth“ The Village[…] Keep reading →

Union Square in Motion public art opening today

on September 26, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Education

Writing on my North Korea trip has been waiting while I finished my series on my Model. Now it will have to wait a few days more. Today’s opening of Union Square in Motion got big, particularly after the MTA’s press release and Parsons the New School for Design’s post. Here is an initial video of a few children and parents seeing the display during installation. You have to come[…] Keep reading →

Video of Union Square Public Art Piece during installation

on September 20, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Here is a video of the Union Square in Motion public art piece most of the way through installation. I haven’t gotten a couple of the monitors working yet, but you can see the basic display. Umut Ozover created the video, as well as helping create the art. As always, video and still images don’t convey the medium like seeing it in person. So if you’re in New York City,[…] Keep reading →

Finding Union Square in Motion

on September 19, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Here are a map and picture showing how to find Union Square in Motion, New York City’s most amazing new public art work. If you need better directions, contact me and I’ll help. It’s convenient to the 4,5,6,N,R,Q, and L trains, not far from the B,D,F, and M trains. Look for the subway entrance in front of Walgreens or Food Emporium, take the escalator or stairs down, and you can’t[…] Keep reading →

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