Category Archives: Education

The hardest problems I’ve solved

on July 27, 2015 in Creativity, Education, Nature, Stories

How did it begin? After the first two years of classes in graduate school I had to take Qualifying Exams to continue to research. Columbia’s Qualifying Exams are three days of about six hours a day. You get eight problems and have to solve six of your choice. They can cover any physics subject covered in classes to that point. If you remember high school or college physics being difficult,[…] Keep reading →

Summer Teaching Institute Reflections, day 5

on July 24, 2015 in Creativity, Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Summer Teaching Institute Reflections, day 4

on July 23, 2015 in Creativity, Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Summer Teaching Institute Reflections, day 3

on July 22, 2015 in Creativity, Education, Leadership

Day 3 Today’s agenda: Nature versus nurture interactive exercise Unit flow Solo work on unit plan Talk about rubrics Described deliverables: Friday we’ll present our unit plans to the group. Tomorrow we’ll do some exercises but mostly work on the unit plans More solo work on unit plan Unit flow Do they know what’s coming next? If not, maybe you lead them through steps with exercises, materials, data, etc. If[…] Keep reading →

Summer Teaching Institute Reflections, day 2

on July 21, 2015 in Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Summer Institute Reflections

on July 20, 2015 in Education, Leadership

I’ve written about inquiry-driven project-based learning and learning leadership and entrepreneurship. It’s a style of teaching that’s one of the main foundations of how I teach and coach leadership. It’s different than lecturing. Here’s why I avoid lecturing when I lead and teach. This week I’m attending Science Leadership Academy’s intensive Summer Teaching Institute. Science Leadership Academy is a school founded on inquiry-driven project-based learning, so it’s one of the[…] Keep reading →

Aristotle, then and now

on July 16, 2015 in Education

Aristotle was assigned reading in college. I read him like everyone did, to understand his concepts enough to write about them in essays and on tests. Also to talk about him at cocktail parties to look cultured. His writing stayed academic to me—that is, abstract and historical, not connected to my life. I knew his concepts were important because everyone recognized his name. Learning about emotional awareness and skills led[…] Keep reading →

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