Category Archives: NorthKorea

The best book for understanding North Korea

on December 31, 2011 in Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

North Korea fascinates us. Its leaders, their posturing and militarism, their economics, and more all fascinate us. Their belligerence puts them in the news often. Yet we know little about them. More than fascinating, they are globally important. They are a nuclear power with the world’s fourth largest military and most militarized border. Yet the media, mainstream and otherwise, mystifies them more. No one explains how or why anyone could[…] Keep reading →

Leadership opportunities in North Korea for U.S. Presidents

on December 30, 2011 in Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

Memorable, effective words: Ich bin ein Berliner! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Two American Presidents were able to strike public relations coups with speeches in Berlin. In both cases they had limited ability to influence the Soviets, though they had great ability to speak to the people on the front lines of the Cold War. I understand their words resonated strongly with them. Few wanted the division through Europe,[…] Keep reading →

Celebrations on a North Korea scale

on December 29, 2011 in NorthKorea

When North Korea holds an event, they do it on scales few others match, though they are announcing only their third leader since 1948, so you can understand their enthusiasm. Here is the site of the rally declaring Kim Jong-un’s succession to Supreme Leader when we visited.The New York Times published this picture of the rally today Wow, that’s a lot of people. Very tightly ordered too. The first thing[…] Keep reading →

More mass crying at Kim Jong Il’s funeral

on December 28, 2011 in NorthKorea

Watching the funeral of Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang streaming over the internet, I see the main propaganda techniques they seem to prefer: Many images of Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung Rousing music Large crowds, or the appearance of them Rousing oratory The music and oratory appear designed to rouse, I should say. To my ears they sound like the Andrews Sisters music sounds to our ears today[…] Keep reading →

The Vice Guide to North Korea teaches little and perpetuates pre-conceived notions

on December 27, 2011 in NorthKorea

I used to love Vice Magazine. I still like it a lot. Ten years ago or so I would scour the East Village for copies when it came out, back when no one knew to associate its back-cover American Apparel ads with harassment lawsuits. I saved copies for years to reread articles I enjoyed. I think I went to some of their parties, but I forget. I appreciate that it’s[…] Keep reading →

The media keeps misinterpreting North Korea

on December 24, 2011 in Leadership, NorthKorea

The media continue with their “great man” model of leadership with regard to Kim Jong Un’s succession. They imply if things are happening, the person in the leadership position must be making them happen. I think a systems perspective more accurately describes the situation. For example, today’s New York Times describes him becoming “supreme commander” of the military, signaling that his succession is moving forward unimpeded. They imply some chance[…] Keep reading →

Mass crying over Kim Jong Il’s death: Learning about others teaches you about yourself

on December 22, 2011 in Freedom, Nature, NorthKorea

Many people have commented on the video of North Koreans crying over the death of Kim Jong Il. You’ve probably seen it but, if not, here it is. I’ll have you compare it with videos more familiar to our culture, then ask a few questions hopefully to increase your self-awareness, authenticity, and freedom. It’s been viewed almost seven million times in less than a week. Typical reactions point out how[…] Keep reading →

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