The Declaration of Independence: The Best Entrepreneurial Document Ever?

July 1, 2016 by Joshua
in Entrepreneurship, Freedom, Humor,

My piece today, “The Declaration of Independence: The Best Entrepreneurial Document Ever?“, begins

The Declaration of Independence: The Best Entrepreneurial Document Ever?

Would you be happy for your venture to last a few years and make a few million? How about 240 years and 3 trillion dollars? Nobody pulled in Benjamins like Benjamin.

Any entrepreneur who has written a business plan knows the challenge. For one thing it has so many goals. Among others, a plan should:

  • Describe the market need
  • Describe a plan of what you’re going to do
  • Attract investment
  • Attract a team
  • Look good
  • Be flexible
  • Describe your competition

I suggest the United States Declaration of Independence can claim to be the best entrepreneurial document in history, perhaps combined with the full business plan a few years later, also known as the Constitution.

Read the rest at The Declaration of Independence: The Best Entrepreneurial Document Ever?

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