Eating healthy is not more expensive. Not knowing how to cook is expensive.

September 22, 2017 by Joshua
in Fitness, Nature

Search online which is more expensive between healthy and unhealthy food and you’ll find many posts in both directions.

In my experience, buying fresh produce in season is cheaper than any buying practice I’ve had. Same with buying dried legumes like beans, lentils, and split peas.

In-season produce tastes the most delicious, which is my most important measure of food.

Fruits and vegetables are most plentiful in season, so farmers are trying to get rid of them, which means low prices for large amounts.

Packaged can’t compete. Before I figured out how to prepare food from scratch fast and without much effort, I couldn’t calculate how cheap it was. I wouldn’t look at the cost of collard greens since I’d have to throw them out.

Canned beans seemed around the same price per pound as dried—until I realized that canned beans included mostly water in their price. Factor in the water and dried beans cost less. Cook them in the pressure cooker and they’re no less convenient. They certainly pollute less.

Now I know.

In the meantime, look at this kale from my CSA farm.



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