Experimenting with ads

November 17, 2012 by Joshua
in Blog, Entrepreneurship

Based on recommendations from readers and other bloggers, I’m going to experiment with here. You may have noticed already.

This page is for the readers, so I hope you’ll share if they affect your experience here and, if so, how. I don’t know if ads will help or hurt more, so the scientist in me says to experiment and find out. I’m sure it will appear clunky at first as I figure out how it works. Sorry if stupid ads show up in weird places while I figure things out.

If it works ads should be starting to show up. Please let me know your thoughts, though please be patient for a bit, either emailing me directly – josh@spodek.net — or in comments below.

People have already told me yesterday’s post demeaning boxed cereals served ads for Kellogg’s, a company I avoid doing business with. For now I find that a funny quirk that I expect to smooth out as I understand the system. If things stay too distracting I’ll take the ads back out.

Personally, I don’t see the ads because I set up my browser to block ads (Adblock Plus) and a lot of code that slows things down and creates security risks (NoScript).

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