Experimenting with ads
Based on recommendations from readers and other bloggers, I’m going to experiment with here. You may have noticed already.
This page is for the readers, so I hope you’ll share if they affect your experience here and, if so, how. I don’t know if ads will help or hurt more, so the scientist in me says to experiment and find out. I’m sure it will appear clunky at first as I figure out how it works. Sorry if stupid ads show up in weird places while I figure things out.
If it works ads should be starting to show up. Please let me know your thoughts, though please be patient for a bit, either emailing me directly –Â josh@spodek.net — or in comments below.
People have already told me yesterday’s post demeaning boxed cereals served ads for Kellogg’s, a company I avoid doing business with. For now I find that a funny quirk that I expect to smooth out as I understand the system. If things stay too distracting I’ll take the ads back out.
Personally, I don’t see the ads because I set up my browser to block ads (Adblock Plus) and a lot of code that slows things down and creates security risks (NoScript).
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